Showing posts with label russian brides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label russian brides. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Are There Any Real Russian Dating Sites?

If you are on of the thousands of western men searching for a Russian women to marry you will probably be wondering where the best place is to start your searches , and even wondering are there any real Russian dating sites ?

The answer to this question is very easy "Yes' there are real Russian dating sites but only a small handful where real Russian women have signed up.

So How do I spot a real Russian dating site?

It is as easy as 1-2-3 to spot a genuine real Russian dating site, follow these points and take note that if you see all of these points on a Russian dating site you are signed up to then there is a very good chance it is one of the few real Russian women dating sites.

So here we go:

1.  Real Russian dating sites will always have a broad mix of women from all ages 18-80 so expect to see plenty of grandmothers on the site, if your just seeing young beauty queens all around 30 years old then you should know its time to leave.

2. Real Russian dating sites will always have a broad mix of women when it comes to beauty, you will see young beauties from Russia and plenty of not so beautiful women, if every women looks like a photo model then it is time to leave this site.

3. Real Russian dating sites will not have thousands of beautiful women all with perfect photo sets, in fact in reality many women do not even upload photos to start with, so if you not seeing a broad mix of good quality photos , some with bad quality photo s and some with none, then again it is time to leave this site.

4. Real Russian dating sites will always have a broad mix of women when it comes to size and weight, so you should be seeing slim women, tall women, short women as well as over weight Russian women and super skinny Russian women, if all the women are slim and perfect sizes then once again it is time to leave this site.

The bottom line here is just use some common sense and you will find it very easy to spot one of the very few real Russian dating sites.

Good luck.

Monday 10 December 2018

Russian Personals tips and advice

Dating Russian personals

Many Western men decide to search for a women to marry in Eastern Europe and usually the choice is Russia or Ukraine, many will say Russia is a better country to search for a wife 
and far less problem than searching in Ukrainian for a single Ukrainian women for marriage, so what are the advantages or disadvantages of traveling to Russia in search for 

Here are a few tips:

1. Russia is a much more user friendly than Ukraine with a modern infrastructure compared to Ukraine , taxis are generally regulated so you can be sure even the taxis drivers will not
rip you off, try being a foreigner in Kiev to see what your charged for a 2 klm trip. 

One disadvantage over choosing Russia is the need to make a visa to enter the country, this is a big put off for many men , who are under the impression making a Russian visa is like traveling to the moon, when in fact it is a very simple process, so don't let a Russian visa put you off your search for any Russian women personals.

2. Generally Russian single women are better off financially than Ukrainian women , which will often mean there will not be a rush to go shopping the minute you step off the plane,
or she will turn up and tell you some bad luck story about her phone hoping you will buy here  a new one as so often is the case when visiting a single Ukrainian women. Often any Russian women you meet in her own country will give you a genuine Russian experience , take you out to genuine Russian restaurants where normal Russian people eat out , a usually different reception awaits you when going to meet a Ukrainian single women in Ukraine. It will be trips out to the most expensive restaurants , trips to the shopping mall and of course the old phone will come out that conveniently needs replacing with the latest I phone, of course this is not always the case in Ukraine, but it is a pretty common scenario.

3. Russia is a great place to visit even if you have no single Russian women personals to meet, the country has many historical museums and land marks, Red Square in Moscow
is a world heritage site, there are many world famous International art galleries and places of historic interest, if you are looking for art and culture Russia has plenty to offer.

Good luck with your Russian personals .

Monday 3 December 2018

Russian Personals dating

Russian women personals and dating

Have you decided to search the Russian personals websites for a single Russian women for marriage? Marrying Russian women has become very popular with  Western men over the last few years, it was only a short time back when there was a stigma attached to finding any women on the internet to marry, but today it has slowly becoming the norm for many couples. So what is the big attraction with Russian women personals ? Russian women are known throughout the world for their natural beauty, you will find many of the worlds top models are Russian , so if you want a beautiful women for marriage Russia is certainly one of the best places to start your searches.
Many Western men worry a little about traveling to Russia often because of the Western propaganda told about the country, but you will be pleased to know most 
of the stories are lies. Russia is in fact a very safe country to visit, there is little if none crime committed against tourists. You do not need to worry about going to
the cash machine to take money out only to be robbed , another story many Western men have heard, you will be 100 times safer walking about Moscow than you will be walking in London.
If you really are worried about visiting Russia to meet some Russian singles you met on one of the many Russian women singles dating sites I can tell you for 100%
there is nothing to worry about.

One down side of searching for a single Russian women in Russia is the fact that you will need a visa to enter Russia and this alone puts many men off visiting
the country often thinking making a Russian visa is very difficult, this is not the case, a Russian visa application is very easy to make in fact millions of tourists visit Russia each year, many of which have to make a Russian visa. if your really want to find yourself a single Russian women for marriage do not let the visa or any stories you have heard about making a visa put you off.

So where do you start your searches for a Russian women for marriage? One of the best options is to register at one of the many Russian personals dating sites that
are on the internet, just doing a search in Google for "Russian dating" and a huge selection will come for you to choose from, there are many hundreds of Russian 
dating sites online and it is important to select the best Russian personals site to ensure you have a good online dating experience.  There are very many stories of Russian dating sites online that have turned out to be scam sites , but actually it is as easy as 1-2-3 to spot a real Russian dating site from a Fake Russian brides online dating site.

The first trick and the one sure way to see if any Russian sating site is a legitimate Russian dating site is look at the first 3/4 pages of women's profiles, it is as easy as that. If the pages are full of young beauty queens  with not an  ugly women in site , it is all you need to see to tell you it is time to leave this Russian personals  site, you do not and think you could have a chance with one of these fake women then you will only have yourself to blame when you become a victim of a scammer, and be very assured, you will become a victim.

Good luck with your Russian singles searches.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Legitimate Russian Dating Sites Advise

Legitimate Russian Dating Sites

Russian dating sites are now very popular for Western Single men looking for love , romance and a partner. Only 20 years ago it was a very different story, if you let it be known you was registered at a Russian brides site many people would of thought you had some problem with relationships and had to go to Russia to solve this, there was a very big stigma attached to any guys searching for a Russian bride.
Today it is a totally different story , it is the norm to meet your partner on the internet so much so that there are not so many today who never met on the net originally, at the same time all the stigma attached to guys searching for love and romance in Eastern Europe has also disappeared, in todays modern world it is perfectly normal to sign up to any International dating site and look for a partner. With this in mind why not do it. There is no need for any guys stuck in a busy life style with no time for socialising in their own town or city, today its as easy as 1/2/3 to register at any International dating site or Russian brides dating site and start communicating with ladies whilst sat in your living room.

Search the net today and you will see foreign dating sites for all types of people to meet other like minded singles from all four continents. 
There are many international dating sites available today, Filipino dating, Asian dating, Ukrainian dating but one of the most popular is Russian dating and there is a huge selection of Russian dating sites to choose from.Who ever you are searching for you can be sure you can find them in some corner of the world from your own comfort of home.
If you are one of the single guys who have decided to give Russian dating a try here are some good tips to help you through the mine field of Russian dating sites. Finding a legitimate Russian dating site where you really can get results is a challenge in itself and not as easy as many would have you think, it takes time and commitment to find a good reliable site where you really can connect with Russian single women or in fact any single women from all over the planet.

With so many fake Russian dating sites out there today it is hard to know which Russian dating sites are real.
The easiest way to check out a Russian dating site is just look at the home page, one quick look will generally tell you if the site is a real Russian dating site. Most of the fake Russian brides  legitimate dating sites will have pages full of young women, usually sun tanned, under 25 years old and looking like they have just come from a movie premier, of course any fool will understand that not every women in Russia is like this, Russia is like any other country and there are plenty of normal looking women from all ages also searching for love and romance with single Western men. If you search for a women in a realist age group to yourself you are 10 times more likely to succeed in your searches.

You will also see many video chat sites allowing you to chat with beautiful ladies online, again look at the "Girls online" are they all blonde barbie dolls? if so forget about this site, all the women will be total fakes and will have the sole intention of extracting as much cash from you as possible, you have no chance whatsoever of meeting with any of these women, they are highly trained in playing with your feelings to keep you online for as long as possible. Many western men have been caught out on these video chat sites some spending thousands of dollars in chat only to get no where, Stay well away!

If you really want to find the best Russian online dating sites stick to western owned and managed sites you can be sure that the vast majority of Russian owned and operated Russian brides sites will be fake or if not fake will give you a bad online experience with no customer feedback, many simply will not answer any questions or e mails you may send them, they are only interested in taking your hard earned money and nothing more! Always be carful you are not registered at any such site.

Good luck with your searches.