Monday 10 December 2018

Russian Personals tips and advice

Dating Russian personals

Many Western men decide to search for a women to marry in Eastern Europe and usually the choice is Russia or Ukraine, many will say Russia is a better country to search for a wife 
and far less problem than searching in Ukrainian for a single Ukrainian women for marriage, so what are the advantages or disadvantages of traveling to Russia in search for 

Here are a few tips:

1. Russia is a much more user friendly than Ukraine with a modern infrastructure compared to Ukraine , taxis are generally regulated so you can be sure even the taxis drivers will not
rip you off, try being a foreigner in Kiev to see what your charged for a 2 klm trip. 

One disadvantage over choosing Russia is the need to make a visa to enter the country, this is a big put off for many men , who are under the impression making a Russian visa is like traveling to the moon, when in fact it is a very simple process, so don't let a Russian visa put you off your search for any Russian women personals.

2. Generally Russian single women are better off financially than Ukrainian women , which will often mean there will not be a rush to go shopping the minute you step off the plane,
or she will turn up and tell you some bad luck story about her phone hoping you will buy here  a new one as so often is the case when visiting a single Ukrainian women. Often any Russian women you meet in her own country will give you a genuine Russian experience , take you out to genuine Russian restaurants where normal Russian people eat out , a usually different reception awaits you when going to meet a Ukrainian single women in Ukraine. It will be trips out to the most expensive restaurants , trips to the shopping mall and of course the old phone will come out that conveniently needs replacing with the latest I phone, of course this is not always the case in Ukraine, but it is a pretty common scenario.

3. Russia is a great place to visit even if you have no single Russian women personals to meet, the country has many historical museums and land marks, Red Square in Moscow
is a world heritage site, there are many world famous International art galleries and places of historic interest, if you are looking for art and culture Russia has plenty to offer.

Good luck with your Russian personals .

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