Wednesday 24 July 2013

Russian Dating Sites Are They Here To Stay?

Russian Dating Stories

Russian dating sites have been around now for over two decades, but what are the chances of the Russian dating thing being around for another two decades?
Over the last two decades Russia has come a very long way from a country in complete chaos where most of the population did not know weather they would have food on the table to its present state a huge country with a wealth of natural resources and an ever growing economy.

Todays modern Russian women are very different from the Russian women of twenty years ago, many live comfortable life styles and hold down good jobs. A huge percentage of women in Moscow are now considered to be middle class a far cry from twenty years ago.
Todays modern Russian women is not so desperate to escape Russia which has one of the best economies in Europe.
For this reason Russian dating sites are slowly seeing a decrease in women searching for a foreign husband, many do not want to uproot and leave their families behind for life in a far off country.
Probably over the next 5/10 years Russian dating sites will slowly come to a dying end. There will always be some Russian women looking for a foreign husband but probably not enough for any web site operators to justify running a Russian dating site for Western men.

If you really are serous about finding a Russian bride now is as better time than any before the market dries up, and even now it is not so easy to find a Russian women for marriage on a Russian dating site.
you will need more than just cash in your wallet to tempt here to leave her country, family and friends.
There are two points that keeps russian women still interested in seeking a foreign man.
Russia has 10 million more women than men and for Russian women to find a good man who is willing to raise a family in a responsible way is not an easy task.
Many Russian men drink considerably and are not suitable to make a reliable husband, the drinking problem with Russian men is also a reason why Russian women will still search for a foreign husband and for these reasons Russian dating sites still have some life left in them.

If you do decide to search for a Russian wife for marriage the best advise is to treat the lady with respect and treat her like a women, something that many Russian men fail to do.
If you do this you have a good chance of finding yourself a Russian bride.

The Russian dating scene will be around for a few more years yet, though some things have started to change already, it is becoming much more harder now to find a young Russian women for serious relationships. Many young Russian women have a reasonable standard of living compared to 15 years ago, turning up with your passport and taking her out to a nice restaurant simply is not good enough anymore.
Most young Russian women have all the mod cons of today, they travel often, eat out often and in fact are just like any other young Western women, times really have changed over the last few years.
However if you persist and committed along with accepting the fact you may have to search for a few years, then you still have a chance to find your love on a Russian dating site.

Good luck with your dating.

1 comment:

  1. I've joined this site mainly because I wanted to organize a cool trip. But it was awesome when I found that you can actually find a travel mate. There are plenty of handsome men out there. It really helps if you're not looking for something serious.
