Friday 5 July 2013

How To Spot A Fake Russian Owned Russian Dating Site

Fake Russian Dating Sites

Every year hundreds of thousands of Western men register at Russian dating sites, but how do they know what sites are the best Russian dating sites? How do they know they are in safe hands on a legitimate Russian dating site? It may surprise you to know that there are hundreds of fake Russian brides dating sites out there operated by all sorts of crooks.

The Russian dating industry is plagued with bad web sites often operated by dishonest individuals who are only intent on extracting as much cash from you as possible. How can you avoid these dishonest individuals and find the best russian dating site to have a good online dating experience?
The first tip and the best advise you will possible is to stay well clear of any Russian owned or managed Russian dating sites, for 100% if you are registered at any site that is operated by a Russian operator you will be defrauded out of your money, along with this you can be sure 95% of women on the site will be fake, or working for the owner. How do spot a fake dating site operated by a Russian individual?
The easiest way to spot a site that is probably dishonest is to do a "whois " check in Google, Russian operators always hide the ownership of the website, it will be registered to either a fake person or it will be hidden by proxy. You will never see a Russian dating site clearly registered to the owner in Russia with his address, can you wonder why? This and many other pointers should ring alarm bells to any guy. Don't be fooled by sites with pages of young beautiful women, they WILL be fake women for sure, take your time and do your homework.

The next check you should do is a Google search, usually this will show some results, if the owner operator of the site has no information or contact information about himself in the net you can be sure he wishes to hide himself, you need to ask yourself why?

Another way to spot a fake Russian dating site is to just search the few first pages of search results, this will usually give it away within a few minutes. Most fake Russian operated Russian brides dating sites will have pages and pages of young beautiful women sprawled all over the place, the chances of you seeing a normal average women on such a site are zilch! What does this tell you? Russia is like any other country, though there are many beautiful women there you will also find many average normal women, and just like any other mainstream dating site you should expect to find a good mixture of women on any legitimate Russian dating site. If every page is full of beautiful young women all under 28 years old looking like they have just come from a photo shoot alarm bells should be ringing.

The best way to search for a legitimate genuine Russian brides dating site is to use your common sense, if you do this you will win for sure. If you rush head first into it and register at the first site that comes along just because the women look beautiful, unfortunately you may become a victim of some Russian scammer and may loose your money!
Most fake Russian brides web sites will bombard you with messages from beautiful young women the very moment you register. As soon as you have up graded and parted with some hard earned cash you will notice no more or very few messages will be arriving at your inbox. Of course the minute your subscription ends you will again be bombarded with messages from fake women, this is how it usually works.
The most important point to remember is just to use your common sense , stick to that and all will be ok, don't fall in love with a beautiful young women who you fully know you would never have a chance with in your own country let alone in Russia. It does not mean just because you are in Russia or signed up to a Russian brides site that you will be able to find a women half your age and stunning in appearance, those days finished back in the 1990's. It is important to stay realistic in your searches at all times and only search for Russian women within a realistic age group.

Best of luck with your searches..

1 comment:

  1. Many dating sites have too much of the same thing and need something more to help in the dating field. I have heard about and I think that it's totally different from other dating websites. The idea is based on having a profile with a travel blog where you add places you have been to and places you would like to visit some day. And you find a partner or travel mate based on the interests you have in common.
