Saturday, 20 October 2018

Russian Singles Are they real?

Have you ever wondered if those beautiful Russian singles online are real?

Do any Google search for "Russian dating sites" and about 1000 relevant sites will come up in your  results many of these sites will have absolutely beautiful young women on every page, all sat waiting online for a guy like you to rescue here from her life of poverty in Russia! But hang on! Wait a minute! All these girls are dressed in expensive looking outfits, all have nice make up and hair do's and many seem to be sat on expensive furniture? How can this be possible? Where is the drunkard husband? Where is the old lada car parked outside the apartment ? No where to be seen? Do you ever wonder why? Its simple really! Women in Russia in general are not trying to escape a life of poverty, Russia is a well developed country especially in the larger cities where most of the population actually live.

The fact of the matter is only a small majority of Russian women actually want to leave their country to marry a foreign husband, and another fact is despite Russia being well known for the beautiful women in the country, not EVERY women looking for a foreign husband is a beauty queen, therefore one should very easily assume that any real Russian dating site online would have a mixed selection of women?
If you sign up to do you see pages and pages of young beautiful women all sat online day and night wanting to chat? No, so why is Russia any different?

If you really want to find a real trusted Russian dating site where it is possible to meet real Russian singles looking for marriage then you just need to use some good old common sense, do that and you will be fine, you are also unlikely to come across any scammers in your searches.

Of course there is one major factor which will not help you on any dating site and that is if you are not keeping your searches to a realistic age group. If your in your 70's and trying to communicate with women in their 20/30's it really does not matter if you are on a real Russian dating site or a fake Russian dating site, as you will unfortunately not succeed and will probably fall victim to a scammer.

How to spot a Real Russian dating site

How do you know the Russian dating site you signed up to is real?

many single Western men searching the Russian personals dating sites will ask "How do I know the women are real" The answer to this is very simple and actually will take you less than 2 minutes to understand if there is a good chance the women on the Russian singles site are actually Real Russian women or not.

The first points you need to understand is that Russia is just like any other country in the world when it comes to women, there are  tall women, short women, fat women, thin women , beautiful women, not so beautiful women and just like any other main stream dating site each page of profiles should have a broad mix of women, do you really think every single women from Russia thats signs up to a Russian  singles online dating site is stunningly beautiful? Of course not! That alone should answer your question.

If you are signed up to a Russian personals site that is full of young beauty queens on every page , all under 30 years old, all dressed immaculately in an expensive out fit (Of course none will have a mobile phone or Skype :) ) If you see this on your site you are signed up to the best possible advise is get out of there now!

You can also be sure any Russian dating site full of young beautiful women will not be a real Russian dating site! You can also be sure that you will never in your life meet any of these young beautiful women, they will all be fake pictures and women you will be chatting to will be married house wives or students making some extra money from the web site operator. You can also be sure that you will be charged per letter to contact these women or reply to any of them.

Finding a Real Russian singles dating site is very easy and just involves a little common sense , nothing more, as the old saying goes "If it looks to good to be true it probably is"

Good luck with your dating!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Best Russian dating tips

The Best Russian Dating Tips

Russian girls are pretty old-school in their views on dating some thing that has slowly disappeared with most Western women. If you want to impress your Russian date you should know the basics of Russian dating culture that is slightly different from Western one. When you decide to date a Russian women  you will have to go back to the old fashioned style. It is based on acting like a knight in shinning armour and being the perfect gentleman at all times. Here are a few dating tips to get you on your way.

Always act like a gentleman.

Russian women always expect their man to act like a gentleman at all times. Russian men are chivalrous, so you should be as gallant as possible if you want to keep up with the standards these ladies are used to.If you act gentlemanly  on a date with a Russian girl you really will have a chance of winning her heart. Help her get out of a taxi or car, open and hold a door and let her go first, help her take her coat off, pull out the chair so that she can sit these are the things Russian women are very used to , if you cannot manage any of these gestures you will be very unlikely to win her heart.

Always greet her appropriately .

For many men kissing a women hand on the first meeting may seem very old fashioned , but in Russia it is very normal, so it is always a good idea to do this gesture.

Always dress up for the occasion.

In Russia is always customary for both men and women to dress up smart for a date for a date even more so on a first date. Russian women do not like men turning up in jeans , T shirt and sneakers always wear a shirt and jacket . You will find Russian women will always be dresses smart for any date, usually heels skirt and smart top .

Wear some aftershave.

Apart from being well-dressed, it is important to smell good for your date but without over doing it. Russian women like a man to be clean shaven and not look like he just climbed out of the garbage can. Make sure your hair and beard (if any) are clean and neatly cut. When choosing a perfume to wear try to choose some fresh and light scent but again don't over do it, you don't want your date  suffocating from the smell.

First date? Bring flowers.

In Western countries men seldom bring flowers for the first date, many consider it old fashioned, it is a different story in Russia. In Russia they are a must on a date. Keep in mind that only the odd number of flowers is acceptable. The easiest way to impress your first date is by just bringing along a single red rose, it is enough of a gesture for any women to understand you know a little about dating Russian women.

Be polite at all times.

In Russia it is a must to be polite at all times when dating any women it is a very important part of Russian dating. Be courteous to your woman as well to people around wherever you are. Russian women want a well-mannered man by their side at all times who will know how to act in the company of others.
Be talkative.
It is always best to be talkative on any date with a Russian women and you should always take the lead. Never talk about your ex partner or make any comments that be little here, keep the conversations polite at all times.A
The main thing to do is to keep a good positive atmosphere and avoid too personal conversations unless you both feel like it.

Pick up the bill.

In Russia it is always customary for the man to pay the bill for the evening so don't expect her to offer to pay half with you.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Best Russian Women Dating Sites

Russian Dating Tips

Some of the most beautiful women in Europe live in Russia, you may of noticed Russia has many models who are famous and well known all over the world. Many glossy magazines regularly have stories about Russian women.
Russian women attract more attention than any other women in the world. Russian women have so many names especially created for them including names such as "Hot russian brides" "hot Russian women" "Russian brides" the list goes on and one.
Some men are totally crazy about Russian women and spend all of their free time per suing  them in one of the many Russian dating sites on the net today.

If you have decided to chase some beautiful Russian women, then you will not be alone and will have some stiff competition from men from all corners of the world.
If you want at least a small chance of finding yourself one of these hot single Russian women for marriage you need to be very sure to sign up to one of the best russian dating sites. Stay away from any site that has pages of model looking 20/30 year old women, you can be 100% sure they will all be fakes and the site will just be operating with the one intention of extracting your hard earned cash from you, whilst giving you nothing in return!

There are many Russian brides sites on the net today but most are either fake or poorly managed.

If you want to find yourself one of the Best Russian dating sites you will need to sit down for a few hours and spend time in Google checking the many Russian brides dating sites out there. Many claim to be the best Russian brides dating sites but often are far from it.

Todays Russian dating site niche there are many crooks operating many of the Russian singles sites, many with fake profiles , so you need to use your common sense at all times.

But you should not let it worry you to much, just by using your common sense is enough to keep any potential scammers away from you.

If you want to be sure that the Russian dating site you have registered at is genuine a good idea is always to check the domain name owner. A legitimate Russian site will always show you the owners name and address . If the owner uses a proxy name then this should sound alarm signals!

Any guy using just common sense will have no problem finding himself a genuine women, there are many scare stories in the media about Western men becoming victims of Russian scammers, but in fact the numbers are very small and usually from stupidity on the guys side.
Stay focused stay realistic on any Russian dating site and you will be ok!

Good luck on your searches.

Best In Russian Dating

Good Russian Dating Tips

If you are one of the many guys who have decided to try your hand in the Russian dating niche, you have probably heard of all the horror stories about guys being scammed out of money.

Though some of these stories are true, you need to bear in mind there are hundreds of thousands of guys on these dating sites and the percentage that are victims is very low. Just as in any mainstream dating site, some having millions of members, the percentage of guys that are scammed is very low indeed.

If you want to have a trouble free Russian dating experience you should be sure to sign up to one of the best russian dating sites. By doing this you will be in the company of thousands of other like minded singles looking for love and romance in Easter Europe.

Today to many guys new to Russian dating are to fast to sign up to the first Russian dating site that comes along, often leaving them to sign up to a second rate dating site.
One of the problems you face if you are not signed up to one of the legitimate Russian brides dating sites is that they will probably have a low sign up rate of new members, and if you are registered at a site with a low sign up you will probably receive a low response yourself.

Many of the poorer quality sites only have a few girls a week signing up, which will mean their is huge competition to communicate with them. Some of the more popular girls are receiving over 200 mails a day from some of these sites, so it can actually be hard to communicate with many Russian singles, often they will put you aside for a maybe younger single guy.

If you want to succeed on any Russian dating web site you will need to be 100% positive and committed to it. You should be prepared to travel to Russia several times which is not cheap. You should be prepared to stay searching for between 2/5 years if you are serious , just like searching for your ideal partner in your home country, things do not happen over night.
Many guys are searching for 4/5 years for their loved one in Russia and have spent lots of money on travelling. It is no good searching for your loved one with the intention of just making one trip in two years! Russian women are just like any other women and have no desire to communicate with a guy for 12 months before meeting him.

Good luck with your Russian women searches.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Russian Dating Sites Are They Here To Stay?

Russian Dating Stories

Russian dating sites have been around now for over two decades, but what are the chances of the Russian dating thing being around for another two decades?
Over the last two decades Russia has come a very long way from a country in complete chaos where most of the population did not know weather they would have food on the table to its present state a huge country with a wealth of natural resources and an ever growing economy.

Todays modern Russian women are very different from the Russian women of twenty years ago, many live comfortable life styles and hold down good jobs. A huge percentage of women in Moscow are now considered to be middle class a far cry from twenty years ago.
Todays modern Russian women is not so desperate to escape Russia which has one of the best economies in Europe.
For this reason Russian dating sites are slowly seeing a decrease in women searching for a foreign husband, many do not want to uproot and leave their families behind for life in a far off country.
Probably over the next 5/10 years Russian dating sites will slowly come to a dying end. There will always be some Russian women looking for a foreign husband but probably not enough for any web site operators to justify running a Russian dating site for Western men.

If you really are serous about finding a Russian bride now is as better time than any before the market dries up, and even now it is not so easy to find a Russian women for marriage on a Russian dating site.
you will need more than just cash in your wallet to tempt here to leave her country, family and friends.
There are two points that keeps russian women still interested in seeking a foreign man.
Russia has 10 million more women than men and for Russian women to find a good man who is willing to raise a family in a responsible way is not an easy task.
Many Russian men drink considerably and are not suitable to make a reliable husband, the drinking problem with Russian men is also a reason why Russian women will still search for a foreign husband and for these reasons Russian dating sites still have some life left in them.

If you do decide to search for a Russian wife for marriage the best advise is to treat the lady with respect and treat her like a women, something that many Russian men fail to do.
If you do this you have a good chance of finding yourself a Russian bride.

The Russian dating scene will be around for a few more years yet, though some things have started to change already, it is becoming much more harder now to find a young Russian women for serious relationships. Many young Russian women have a reasonable standard of living compared to 15 years ago, turning up with your passport and taking her out to a nice restaurant simply is not good enough anymore.
Most young Russian women have all the mod cons of today, they travel often, eat out often and in fact are just like any other young Western women, times really have changed over the last few years.
However if you persist and committed along with accepting the fact you may have to search for a few years, then you still have a chance to find your love on a Russian dating site.

Good luck with your dating.

Monday, 22 July 2013

How Can I Be Sure I Have Found The Best Russian Dating Site?

Russian Dating

When searching for a good Russian dating site to sign up to the hardest part is finding a real legitimate Russian dating site with real Russian brides to start communicating with.
Many sites on the net today are either fake or have very few new ladies registering at the site, if there is not a good steady flow of new ladies it makes the task of finding a Russian women to communicate with even harder.

If you really want a chance to succeed in your search for a Russian bride you really do need to sign up to one of the best Russian dating sites, that is 100% legitimate.

There are probably only a hand full of legitimate best Russian dating sites on the net today, many are either fake or have so few ladies joining it would be a total wast of time registering at these sites.  You should always search for an established Russian dating site that has been around for a number of years. there are many new Russian dating sites appearing every week most are of no use or are affiliate sites.
The first thing you need to get into your head when deciding to search for a Russian bride is that it may take some time and a considerable amount of effort on your behalf. Be ready to travel to Russia several times along with spending a fair amount of money on travel and accommodation over the next few years, if you are ready to do this then you are ready to start your search for a genuine Russian dating site.

The internet is full of horror stories about Western men being conned out of money by Russian women but the truth of the matter is you are no more likely to be scammed on a Russian dating site than a mainstream dating site it is just a matter of common sense and more the reason to search for the best Russian dating sites to get your search of to a good start. Do not be put off by any stories in the media, in reality becoming a victim of a Russian scammer seldom happens and you are very unlikely to meet one. Usually guys who become victims of scammers have become so because of their own stupidity, if you are a 60 year old guy you should not be pursuing 20 year old women?

A good piece of advise to any newcomers to Russian dating is to try to keep your searches to the bigger Russian cities to start with, Moscow and St petersburg are just like any other European cities and at least if you visit a women in one of these cities you will feel at home.

The best Russian brides dating sites will always give you a good search option and have an abundance of women from all cities. The smaller Russian dating sites will usually only offer you a smaller selection and many profiles with many being out dated.

You will find many of the smaller sites are completely dead, you can write to as many women as you wish on these sites but will seldom receive any response.
It is always  good idea to check out any review sites as these will often give an un biased review of any Russian brides sites you are considering signing up to.
But be carful! Some review sites are owned by the Russian brides site just to post fake reviews of the site in the hope of more men registering.

So to sum it up, it searching for a good quality Russian brides dating site can take time and patience, do that and you should be successful.

Best of luck with your searches.